Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's Time!

So I've decided it's about time I started blogging.  I spend lots of time perusing education blogs and websites, scrolling through Twitter, and using what I've learned in my ever changing seventh and eighth grade classroom.  However, I've never really kept a log of my successes and failures as an educator still working to perfect my craft, and there are many in both categories.  But teaching isn't all about pedagogy.  It's about fostering the development of the whole child, and helping them become the best version of who they deserve to be.

One of the most important things I've learned is that middle school is a unique place, and being a middle school teacher takes a unique type of teacher.  If you teach middle school, you know what I'm talking about.  Those "is she crazy?" looks you get when you tell people you teach 8th grade, or the "God bless you" commentary:  "oh I was a nightmare in middle school. I could never do what you do!" The truth is, there is no job I would rather be doing.  Teaching this age group of students, some days, can be like pushing up against a brick wall.  But other days, it can be the most hilarious, heartwarming, and rewarding of experiences.

So, what does that mean for this blog? I'm not sure exactly.  I'm hoping for it to be a place to share all experiences as a middle school educator, from highly and hardly engaging lessons, to classroom and behavior management techniques that have proven successful, to those middle school moments that make middle school, middle school.  First blog post..check!

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